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Guide to home page sections

Report categories


Summary report of forecast categories:

  1. Category title: By clicking on this section, you can go to the page specific to this category.
  2. The prediction accuracy of each category: This section shows the average acceptable prediction accuracy of each category.
  3. An overview of the forecast for each category: In this section, it shows the number of each position (buying and selling, etc.) in each category

Table of predictions


A table that contains a summary view of the forecast:

  1. Sorting: In this section, you can sort the information display in 4 ways.
  2. Name and symbol: In this section, you can see the name and symbol of each stock or cryptocurrency or currency, etc., and click on it to go to its forecast details page.
  3. Details: In this section, the category and country of each item are shown. You can see all the items of that category by clicking on each category, or you can see all the stocks of each country by clicking on each country.
  4. Market: This section shows the market and exchange of each item.
  5. OSignal: OSignal or Overal Signal represents the average of the signals of the 8 available prediction models.
  6. BSignal: BSignal or Best Signal indicates the signal of the best prediction model based on the best accuracy.
  7. Accuracy O-B: Accuracy O-B or Overal Signal Accuracy-Best Signal Accuracy , The first number represents the average accuracy of 8 prediction models. And the second number shows the prediction accuracy of the best model.
  8. Profit O-B: Profit O-B or Average Daily Profit Overal Signal -Average Daily Profit Best Signal , The first number represents the average profit of 8 prediction models in the daily period. And the second number shows the average forecast profit of the best model in the daily period.
  9. Stop Loss: This number is selected depending on the position of Overal Signal, and if you want to see the opposite position of Stop Loss, you should go to the details page.